Clinical Blogs

Do you have sugar sense?
Do you know even if we don’t drink pop, sugary drinks or eat sweets, we can still consume lots of sugar daily? Check out the foods that you eat. There...
Do you have sugar sense?
Do you know even if we don’t drink pop, sugary drinks or eat sweets, we can still consume lots of sugar daily? Check out the foods that you eat. There...

Are your nails healthy?
Nails are as important as our skin. Here are some tips to keep our nails healthy. Keep nails clean Avoid biting and picking nails Avoid using acetone or formaldehyde containing...
Are your nails healthy?
Nails are as important as our skin. Here are some tips to keep our nails healthy. Keep nails clean Avoid biting and picking nails Avoid using acetone or formaldehyde containing...

What is Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) ?
PMS is a variety of symptoms such as bloating, headaches, mood swings, or other physical and emotional changes a woman my experience each month. It usually occurs 1-2 weeks before...
What is Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) ?
PMS is a variety of symptoms such as bloating, headaches, mood swings, or other physical and emotional changes a woman my experience each month. It usually occurs 1-2 weeks before...

Do you have computer vision syndrome?
My eyes hurt! After staring at the computer screen, smartphone or tablet for long hours, this is a common eye problem nowadays. We call this computer vision syndrome. You will...
Do you have computer vision syndrome?
My eyes hurt! After staring at the computer screen, smartphone or tablet for long hours, this is a common eye problem nowadays. We call this computer vision syndrome. You will...

Ketogenic Diet and weight loss
Overweight has been an increasing problem in many countries. The food we eat (high carb, high sugar, unhealthy fats, the excess amount of protein) is a key factor that contributes...
Ketogenic Diet and weight loss
Overweight has been an increasing problem in many countries. The food we eat (high carb, high sugar, unhealthy fats, the excess amount of protein) is a key factor that contributes...

Are you eating food that can protect you from t...
It is important to wear sunscreen to protect ourselves from the sun. Do you know some food can also increase protection of our skin against UV damage? Yes! Healthy food...
Are you eating food that can protect you from t...
It is important to wear sunscreen to protect ourselves from the sun. Do you know some food can also increase protection of our skin against UV damage? Yes! Healthy food...